Tranquility in Nature

Rent Kayaks et Canoes

on the Thouet river, near Saumur and the Loire


1 person


for one person

2 people


for 2 people (small dogs accepted)

3 people


for 3 people (no dogs)

Journey through an environment of natural beauty

Exercise outdoors
Even with a gentle paddle, being outdoors and close to nature can reduce your stress levels, help you sleep better and make you a happier person overall.

Peace and quiet
Hop in a canoe to escape along the water for a few hours.

Get closer to nature
River wildlife is generally less shy with paddlers, so you should be able to see things that even walkers and cyclists don’t get the chance to see.  Herons, Igrets, often lots of Kingfishers – there are over 50 different types of bird around here.

Physical Fitness
Canoeing works not just your arms but all the muscles of your upper body, and has many physical benefits.

Friendly and fun
It’s also the best way to discover the river environment.

Paddle at your own pace
Whether you want to paddle gently or set some sort of record, kayaking on the Thouet is an activity open to people of all abilities.

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